When meeting others, we usually use expressions, for example, “how have you been?”, “How’s it going?”, or “Hello, what’s going on?”. Those expressions may appear to be straightforward yet truth be told, they are not a genuine inquiry by any means. They are viewed as minor departure from ordinary hello. This hello type is altogether different from Spanish good tidings. On the off chance that you learn Spanish, you will discover that there are loads of varieties of saying “What’s going on with you” in Spanish.
From the outset, you may hear that a local speaker start every meeting of discussion with “Como estas?” and by memory, you will react “Bien, gracias. “Y tu?”. Indeed, that is a discussion that works in any circumstance, however it feels somewhat exhausting. Truth be told, not all discussions with Spanish speakers will go thusly.
Truth be told, there are heaps of varieties of saying “What’s going on with you?” in Spanish that can be seriously fascinating. Look at these!
For further developed preparing on the Spanish language, look at Fluenz Spanish. You can peruse a point by point survey about Fluenz Spanish at SpanishEduRev.com.
¿Como estas?
The most fundamental Spanish hello to say “how goes it with you?” in a casual setting is “Como estas?”. A tad of variety can be “¿Como estas tu?”. That implies something very similar, yet that incorporates “tu” as the discretionary pronoun. “Tu” signifies “you” coincidentally.
The manner in which you are forming an action word change depends on the number of individuals you are tending to. Furthermore, it additionally relies upon the setting whether it’s a casual or formal circumstance you are in. the main action word, for this situation, is “estar” or you can characterize it as ” to be” in English.
¿Como esta (usted)?”.
Accordingly, in light of who you are conversing with, you may need to fairly change your formation. For instance, on the off chance that you need to converse with an outsider about how he/she is doing, it would be advised to utilize “Como esta (usted)?”. The pronoun “usted” signifies you in a proper setting. Utilizing this hello is energetically prescribed especially when you are conversing with somebody who is more established than you, somebody who is in a place of predominance, or to an outsider.
“¿Como estan (ustedes)?
This expression is utilized when asking more than one individual. You can utilize this expression when welcoming more than one individuals together. Besides, ustedes can be utilized in casual or formal settings across Latin America. Then again, it is only utilized in a conventional setting (very much like usted).
¿Como estais (vosotros)?
The utilization of vosotros is ordinarily on in Spain. You can utilize this expression when you are addressing a gathering of individuals, especially in a casual setting, similar to when you are conversing with a gathering of your companions.
¿Como andas (tu)?
“andar” or “andas” signifies “to go” or “to walk”. Whenever converted into English, this expression signifies “How’s it going?”. It is more slangy and easygoing than the straightforward ¿Como estas?. Andar is an ar-action word, and different formations are “anda”, “andan (ustedes)”, and “andais (vosotros)”. The reaction is like the fundamental hello, for example, “Bien (great)”, “Muy bien (excellent), or “bastante bien (very great)”.
¿Como te va?
This hello is adaptable as you can utilize it both in formal and casual settings. To change the hello, you should change the aberrant undertaking pronoun from te (you) to le, les, and os.
e.g: ¿Como le va? (for usted)
¿Como les va? ( for ustedes)
¿Como os va? ( for vosotros)
To react to this hello, you can say ” me va mal (it’s going gravely)” or “me va bien (it’s going acceptable)”.
The following time you welcome someone in Spanish, think about those expressions. You can utilize those varieties to make your Spanish sounds more regular.